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Tips to improve game reading for sports trading



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Several factors influence the results obtained by the sports trader. One of the most important is, without a doubt, game reading. This is the activity of analyzing the behavior of teams in search of valuable inputs.

Of course, it’s no use having an excellent game read and ignoring other essential aspects such as bankroll management (that is, the way you manage your capital in your bets) and emotional control. However, without a doubt, this is a fundamental factor for a bettor’s success.

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What is game reading?

Game reading is nothing more than observing what happens in a football match to identify good betting opportunities. In general, it is useful both for the sports trader and the punter who decides to act on Live.

Important to mention that the game reading in sports betting differs from what we see in television commentators. When watching a game from your couch, it’s okay to see who has the ball and shoots more on goal, but that often may not be enough to earn a ticket.

We, bettors, need to pay special attention to some details such as the recovery of the second ball, the passage of the full-backs in the offensive field, and the marking used. When you watch your team play over, do you look at these details? Most likely not!

Game Reading for Sports Trading: How to Analyze Marking?

The first aspect of monitoring in your game reading as a sports trader is each team’s marking to retrieve the ball. Even if you work with the Back to Favorite strategy, you cannot ignore marking: the first step to make a profit is not to concede a goal against your position.

Another essential tip about marking is that possession of the ball doesn’t always mean that a team is doing well on the field. It could be that your opponent’s strategy is precise to draw back the lines and set up counterattacks. If you ignore it, you can be in a bad situation in the blink of an eye.

Football teams use three types of marking: pressure, compact, and zone. Let’s understand each of them from now on.

Pressure marking

Pressure marking is one of the most efficient aggressive and goal-seeking teams. It consists of pressing the opponent’s ball out, scoring in the attacking field. The objective is to leave no space for the opposing team to construct their move easily.

When well-executed, it brings an enormous risk to the opponent, which is to recover the ball already in the attack field, close to creating a goal chance. However, it also has its risks. We can mention the need for the excellent coordination of the team and the spaces left in the defense, which you can exploit if the opponent has a good ball exit.

It’s worth mentioning that it’s not because a player puts pressure on the opponent that you have a pressure tag. A team must have many players in the attacking field to execute it, creating organized pressure and not letting the opponent breathe when the ball goes out.

Compact marking

The second type of marking you should know when performing your game reading is compact marking. As the name suggests, this is the most recessed type of marking, in which the defensive lines and midfield are very close. It can be done with either a high or a low line.

The main objective of this defensive strategy is to press the player with the ball when he is between these two lines. It is also perfect for making it difficult for the opposing team to infiltrate inside since it is difficult to “break” these marking lines.

The risks of this marking strategy are the opposing team’s quick touches (capable of breaking the lines) or quick game reversals, catching exposed sides. It forces the cross and kicks from a medium distance a lot. It is also something to monitor depending on the opponent’s offensive characteristics.

Zone marking

Finally, we still have zone marking as a third defensive strategy. In this model, each player takes care of an area of ​​the field without accompanying an opposing athlete. When he “leaves” his zone, the responsibility passes to another partner.

The great advantage of marking by zone is maintaining organization, preventing a marker from running after the opponent and leaving spaces. Although it is being used less and less, it is very effective against teams that like to play the ball.

The big challenge in applying this marking is team coordination. Any mistake can open spaces for the opponent, requiring a lot of training and understanding from the athletes. If a player runs after the opponent, he can mess up the entire defensive organization.

  Want to learn more about game reading for sports trading?

Mastering game reading is critical for a sports trader to get good results. This is, after all, the best way to ensure that your investments are made in excellent opportunities, something that will allow you to be profitable in the long run.

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Hombre & Mujer

Ferrara presentó su línea “Amalfi” desde Los Roques (+ galería)



Ferrara presentó Amalfi - Agencia Carabobeña de Noticias

Ferrara presentó Amalfi desde Los Roques y demuestra su liderazgo en el mercado de cocinas y muebles de lujo en el país,

Esta vez con el lanzamiento de Amalfi: Forza del Mare, inspirada en la exquisita belleza de la costa amalfitana y adaptada para el mercado venezolano. La propuesta representa una combinación perfecta de elegancia, resistencia y funcionalidad.

Desde su fundación hace 25 años, Grupo Ferrara se ha destacado como la marca líder en innovación, servicio, calidad, garantía y mercadeo en el país. Con el lanzamiento de Amalfi, la compañía continúa redefiniendo los estándares de excelencia en la industria de muebles de lujo.

Amalfi tiene un diseño que hace que resista a los desafíos del tiempo y el clima. Fabricada completamente en compuesto marino de 20 mm, esta tecnología utiliza una lámina estructural compuesta por varias capas de madera de primera calidad fusionadas con resinas hidrófugas, originalmente desarrollada para la industria naval.

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Ferrara presentó Amalfi

Ferrara ha seleccionado este material indestructible para crear la cocina más resistente del mundo, garantizando durabilidad y calidad incomparables. A su vez, se le suma un diseño vanguardista con muebles más largos y un rodapié de seis centímetros iluminado.

Amalfi ofrece una estética absolutamente minimalista, creando la ilusión de que la cocina flota en el aire con una elegancia sublime; redefiniendo el concepto de lujo moderno.

A esto se suma su color en tendencia – cashmere -, una mezcla delicada de los tonos más impactantes de la naturaleza, capturando la energía del atardecer con sus naranjas multicolores y la suavidad de los grises de un cielo nublado.

Completamente iluminada

Amalfi está completamente iluminada con tecnología LED en todos sus espacios interiores, ofreciendo una luz delicada que transforma la cocina en un ambiente extremadamente lujoso, moderno y elegante.

Ferrara mantiene su compromiso de ofrecer productos de calidad gracias a la fabricación con maquinaria de última generación y acabados industriales perfectos. Brindando opciones en todos los tamaños y una absoluta variedad para los arquitectos y diseñadores más creativos.

Forza del Mare reafirma su compromiso con la excelencia al ofrecer una garantía excepcional de 25 años para la cocina Amalfi, marcando un hito en la industria y demostrando su confianza en la calidad y durabilidad de sus productos. Sin duda, es una cocina que fusiona la belleza atemporal con la tecnología más avanzada, llevando el encanto de la costa amalfitana al corazón de los hogares venezolanos.

Ferrara humanitaria: un programa social de la empresa_

En el marco del lanzamiento de Amalfi, la empresa ha donado a la iniciativa de la reproducción de tortugas marinas en el Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques, apostando siempre por el desarrollo del país de una forma consciente y solidaria. Una iniciativa del programa “Ferrara Humanitaria” que funciona desde el 2008 como una forma de retribuir a la sociedad.


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